
This is a delicious and easy to make bread enriched with milk, butter and eggs. It’s called a breakfast bread but you could enjoy it at any time of the day I guess. But as it’s enriched with butter and sugar, it’s typically enjoyed at the start of the day. The four strand plait is also fun to try out. Full instructions are given below!.

Plaited loaf of bread on a cooling rack

Step by step instructions on how to make breakfast bread


Mix the ingredients

Put all the ingredients into a stand mixer bowl except the yeast.

Manually mix with the dough hook to combine and then add the yeast.


Knead the dough

Put onto the stand mixer and gradually increase the speed to maximum and knead the dough for 5-7 minutes until a positive window test and the dough is coming away from the side of the bowl.

Turn out onto the worktop and very lightly work it into a ball.

Put it onto a tray and cling film. Leave to rest at room temperature for about 15 minutes until you can see the dough expanding.  Then put it in the fridge for 15 minutes to rest and firm up as it will be easier to shape.


Knock the dough back

Portion the dough.

Rotating the pieces, knock them back by flattening with the palm of your hand and then rolling into a ball with a clawed hand.  Do this twice.

Then start to roll each piece out into a strand the width of the black tray (approx. 30cm) working slowly as the dough will need ‘teasing’ into stretching out.  Work each strand a little then move onto the next one rotating around the pieces in the same routine.



How to make the four strand plait

When they reach the required length, taper the ends and then do a four strand plait.  It’s a good idea to mark the strand numbers on a piece of parchment and have this at the bottom of the plait as it helps to keep track.  NB.  Strands don’t keep their original starting numbers.  When you plait 2 over 3 for example, 2 is now 3 and what was 3 is now 2, i.e. it’s always the number written on the parchment at the bottom:

·       Plait 2 over 3

·       Plait 4 over 3 and 2

·       Plait 1 over 2 and 3

·       Repeat


Demonstrating how to make four strand plait bread loaf
Demonstrating how to make four strand plait bread loaf
Demonstrating 4 strand plait bread loaf steps 13-18
Demonstrating 4 strand plait bread loaf steps 19-24


Cover lightly with cling film and leave to prove until double in size.



Preheat the oven to 170C when the bread is reading to be baked.

Bake for approximately 25 minutes until risen and golden. You may need to turn the baking tray around in the oven for the last 5 minutes if it is baking unevenly.



The breakfast bread is best served fresh on the day.  Although, it is perfect toasted on day 2!

It freezes very well too.  I have sliced it up and frozen it and then taken out slices for toasting.


Cut loaf of bread on a board
Plaited loaf of bread on a cooling rack

Breakfast bread

You may also see this referred to as a baguette Viennoise. It is a delicious and easy to make breakfast bread enriched with milk, butter and eggs.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Proving 4 hours
Total Time 4 hours 55 minutes
Course Breakfast, Coffee break, Coffee time, Snack
Cuisine French
Servings 2 loaves


  • 500 g strong flour
  • 250 ml tepid water
  • 25 g yeast
  • 60 g butter
  • 30 g sugar
  • 25 g milk powder
  • 10 g salt
  • 1 egg


  • Put all the ingredients into a stand mixer bowl except the yeast: flour, butter, sugar, milk powder, salt, water and egg.
  • Manually mix with the dough hook to combine and then add the yeast (either fresh or dried that you are using).
  • Put onto the stand mixer and gradually increase the speed to maximum and knead the dough for 5-7 minutes until a positive window test and the dough is coming away from the side of the bowl.
  • Turn out onto the worktop and very lightly work it into a ball.
  • Put it onto a tray and cling film. Leave to rest at room temperature for about 15 minutes until you can see the dough expanding. Then put it in the fridge for 15 minutes to rest and firm up as it will be easier to shape.
  • Divide the dough in half. Cling film one half whilst you work on the other.
  • Portion the dough into 4 x 110g pieces.
  • Rotating the pieces, knock them back by flattening with the palm of your hand and then rolling into a ball with a clawed hand. Do this twice.
  • Then start to roll each piece out into a strand the width of the black tray (approx. 30cm) working slowly as the dough will need ‘teasing’ into stretching out. Work each strand a little then move onto the next one rotating around the pieces in the same routine.
  • When they reach the required length, taper the ends and then do a four strand plait. It’s a good idea to mark the strand numbers on a piece of parchment and have this at the bottom of the plait as it helps to keep track. NB. Strands don’t keep their original starting numbers. When you plait 2 over 3 for example, 2 is now 3 and what was 3 is now 2, i.e. it’s always the number written on the parchment at the bottom:
    – Plait 2 over 3
    – Plait 4 over 3 and 2
    – Plait 1 over 2 and 3
    – Repeat
  • Place the plaited dough onto a lined tray and tuck the ends under.
  • Repeat for the remaining dough.
  • Cover lightly with cling film and leave to prove until double in size.
  • Preheat the oven to 170C when the bread is reading to be baked.
  • Bake for approximately 25 minutes until risen and golden. You may need to turn the baking tray around in the oven for the last 5 minutes if it is baking unevenly.


The breakfast bread is best served on the day and even better if just out the oven!
If it’s still around the day after the bread is great toasted.
The bread freezes very well too. I slice it up before freezing and the take out the odd slice to toast as and when I want some.
Keyword baguette Viennoise, breakfast bread, easy bread recipe, enriched bread, four strand plaited loaf, pain viennoise, plaited bread loaf, sweet bread

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